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Aegean Festival 2024

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Aegean Festival 2024

Traditional Musical night with Floraki Lito (Violin), Maxairiotis George (Lute), Mardirosian Rosina (Zither), Koukouna Lina (Singing & Preccusion instruments)

Hosted by: Club of Filoti villagers Naxos.


Aegean Festival 2024

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Aegean Festival 2024

A walk with bagpipes at the neigbhorhoods of Filoti village (Laxanario, Saint Nick, Dorm of Skliva, Fasolas, Saint Constanine, Bridge). Gathering Point the cultural centre club Of Filoti Villagers.

Hosted by: Club Of Filoti villagers Naxos.


Concert with Nefeli Fasouli

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Concert with Nefeli Fasouli

At 7th of August Nefeli Fasouli will be at Naxos Island with one unique concert signing songs from Diverse musical worlds with seductive Jazz composing unpredictable acting of tradional songs and dream artistic melodies. Songs with meaning, soul and emotion



We are dancing Syrto at the Beach

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We are dancing Syrto at the Beach


Hundreds of people, in width of The beach they will dance traditional Syrto Naxos, with starting point of OTE Naxos and Directed to the Central square of the beach. Participation of AC Filoti, Proodeutical Club Glinados Naxos, Cultural Club  «Apicrantos», Dancing team  «Axopatimata», The Cultural and Enviromental Club of Women Naxos, also the team «Syn+Axia» and a crowd of Dancers...


Concert with Martha Frintzila

Start date

Stream of Danakos will be flooded by the voice and songs of Martha Frintzila.

Presale of the tickets will be on "ZOOM" Shop and Travel agency of "BLUE TRAVEL" in the Coast of Chora  Naxos Town.

Organised : PEDAN, with the support of Municipality of Naxos And Small Cyclades