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The village of Galanado on Naxos, which is built in amphitheatric fashion and with views of the lush valley of Livadi and of Chora further beyond, is said to derive its name from the French word galant, meaning ‘gentlemanly’ and ‘courteous’ –probably the reflection of a noble past associated with the Crusaders.

The valley of Livadi is one of the most fertile of the island, and so the main source of income of Galanado’s approximately 400 inhabitants is farming, hence the large quantities of potatoes and milk produced.

The parish Church of the Holy Spirit was built in 1780, as inscribed on the lintel above the door of the left nave. On the eve of Holy Spirit Day, which differs from year to year, the village celebrates with a big feast with live traditional music, food and wine, while a procession of the icon takes place after mass on the Day itself.

The sights in the greater area of Galanado include Belonias tower, to the south of the village. Built around 1600, it is privately owned and well-maintained.

Right next to it is the ‘twin’ chapel of Agios Ioannis –an especially rare example of separate Catholic and Greek Orthodox naves under the same roof.

Huge boulders standing at a spot east of the village, between the churches of Agios Georgios and Agia Irini, are thought to belong to a Paleolithic settlement.