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The village of Moni in the Naxos uplands (500m) rewards visitors with ample views of the central Tragea plateau –and the sea on a clear day- as well as with its strong traditional color.

Moni derives its name from the former Byzantine monastery and now Church of Panagia (Virgin Mary) Drossiani, which is on the way to Chalki and one of the oldest in the Balkans.

Houses are spread out in amphitheatric fashion on a mountain slope, on both sides of the central cobble-stoned street.

They are stone-built in the traditional style –Moniots have been well-known as skilled stone masons. Cars are out of bounds of the picturesque alleyways which will bring you to the central cobble-stoned square, two old olive mills, the parish Church of Agia Fotini and a traditional well at one end of the village.

The countryside around the village of Moni is very fertile and produces high quality vegetables.

Vineyards host some 20 vinification varieties and Moni wines and raki spirit are highly rated.

The village also retains alive the craft of the traditional loom, supported by the Moni Weavers Association.

Moni has some 200 permanent residents but the population swells in the summer. There are three tavern/coffee shops.