Start date
Event Location
Φιλώτι /Filoti village
Περιγραφή Εκδήλωσης
August art exhibition wandering
Art exhibition of Despoina Probona and Kuriaki Fragkouli. The pass of time, into the chromatical hold, the unique August wandering of Despoina Probona and Kuriaki Fragkouli, at places, lands, seas, faces, images, and remembering... With the bundle of artistic fruits in the hug, they are inviting us at the mini threshing floor at the exhibition.
At the room of exhibition at the Pneumatical centre of Holy Temple Koimiseos Theotokou (Old School)
Duration of the exhibition: Until 17th of August
Working time: Morning: 10:30 -14:00, Afternoon: 18:00 -21:00