10 years anniversary of the museum Kabanellis, Team of Naxian Artists agrees with their daughter of the author and present the musictheatrical show «Kambanellis of the miracles», Panorama of life and work of the great author and Academic Jacob Kabanelis. Into texts, songs poets and Theatrical parts unfolds the range of the personality and his artistic creativity.
The seven Naxians actors narrate, singing, playing and they are making us commoners at the impressive life and the important work of patriarch of the Newgreek Drama.
Casting: Actors from Alphabetic order:
Vasalakis Dimitris, Gavalla Katerina, Eleutheriou Leuteris, Kamvisi Katerina , Karamolegkou Fillipa, Kontomari Vivian, Fragkiskos John
Kontomari Vivian (Guitar)
Nikolakis Nikos (Bouzouki)
Text Editing : Catherine Kabanelli